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Ellington, CT 06029
(860) 870-9031

June 21, 2017

Complete Your Smile with Dental Implants Ellington

Female dentist in dental office talking with female patient and preparing for treatment.We see numerous patients each year who have one or more missing teeth they haven’t replaced. Even a single missing tooth can cause extensive damage to the overall health of the smile. An unreplaced missing tooth can lead to dental drift, uneven pressure on surrounding teeth leading to dental damage, loss of gum and bone tissue, and other negative effects. Traditional tooth replacement only fights half the battle by preventing shifting dental structures, but they don’t repair the root systems below the gums. That means patients still experience a decrease in soft tissue volume and jawbone density, which can lead to additional tooth loss. Whether you’re missing a single tooth or a full arch of teeth, let the Zahner Dental team help. Contact us to schedule a tooth replacement consultation to explore your options including tooth-root-replacing dental implants from your Ellington, CT dentist.